
Boise State Admits Bias


Idaho state senators questioned Boise State University President Bob Kustra about the allegations against the speaker program during his annual hearing before the committee.

At the hearing of the Idaho State Senate Education Committee on Thursday, February 15, President Kustra admitted the school’s invited speakers “tilt to the left,” according to the Idaho Statesman.

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University of California Los Angeles rescinded an invitation issued to
Carl Braun, California State Director for The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, to
a debate scheduled for this evening with Dr. Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand
Institute regarding border security.

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War On Terror On Campus


The David Horowitz Freedom Center announced today that it has launched a Terrorism Awareness Project to combat the complacency and disinformation in American universities about the intentions of the radical Islamists who escalated the holy war on the United States and the West on September 11, 2001.

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CUNY Culpa


In a step that reflects the growing influence of the academic freedom campaign, the administration of the City University of New York has proposed that the university’s board adopt new policies for vetting student complaints of mistreatment in the classroom.

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