Omaha Public Schools’ purchase of books allegedly touting “white privilege” ideals last month-paid for with more than $131,000 federal stimulus…
Read the articleIf the administration wants to get our economy out of the tank, maybe it should stop funding $1.5 million indoctrination programs!
Read the articleGLEN COVE, NY — Virginia Republicans occupied the White House from 1801 to 1825, the golden age of American diplomacy.
Read the articleViolence and coercion are at the heart of the union movement.
Read the articleCollege frequently “means navigating an exhausting gauntlet of pretense and jargon.”
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A federal appeals court has ruled that a school district violated the First Amendment rights of a student when it punished Justin Layshock for speech posted on a social networking website, holding that this off-campus speech was beyond the power of the school to control.
Read the articleDr. Kyle Pruett of Yale Medical School demonstrated in his book Fatherneed that fathers contribute to parenting in ways that mothers do not.
Read the articleWhether he serves for two years or 40, whether he achieves high rank or not, whatever his branch of service or military skill, the soldier learns something unique about reality that stays with him well beyond 50 years.
Read the articleWith the assistance of The Rutherford Institute, the mother of two students in the public schools has filed a complaint with the United States Department of Education over a Massachusetts school district’s practice of requiring students to complete surveys asking overtly intimate and sexually suggestive questions without their parents’ knowledge or written consent.
Read the articleMany presidents have, on occasion, done weird things—only one president of the 44 is Weird.
Read the articleThe Circuit Court of the County of Spotsylvania has refused to reverse the expulsion of a 14-year-old honor student charged under a school zero tolerance policy with “violent criminal conduct” and possession of a weapon for shooting plastic “spitwads” at classmates.
Read the articleSafe Schools “czar” Kevin Jennings: After two scandal-plagued years, one of the President’s fiercest gay allies has finally resigned from his post to take a job with “Be the Change.”
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