Guest Articles

Guest Articles

Court Protects LOLs

A federal appeals court has ruled that a school district violated the First Amendment rights of a student when it punished Justin Layshock for speech posted on a social networking website, holding that this off-campus speech was beyond the power of the school to control.

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Guest Articles

A Soldier’s Faith

Whether he serves for two years or 40, whether he achieves high rank or not, whatever his branch of service or military skill, the soldier learns something unique about reality that stays with him well beyond 50 years.

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Guest Articles

Intrusion Without Parental Consent

With the assistance of The Rutherford Institute, the mother of two students in the public schools has filed a complaint with the United States Department of Education over a Massachusetts school district’s practice of requiring students to complete surveys asking overtly intimate and sexually suggestive questions without their parents’ knowledge or written consent.

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Guest Articles

Zero Tolerance For Spitballs

The Circuit Court of the County of Spotsylvania has refused to reverse the expulsion of a 14-year-old honor student charged under a school zero tolerance policy with “violent criminal conduct” and possession of a weapon for shooting plastic “spitwads” at classmates.

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