Hoodlums Will Be Out on Inauguration Day, Warned Michelle Malkin

From Malkin’s blog:
Hoodlums will be out in full force this Inauguration Day weekend. Count on it.
I’ve covered the left’s criminal anarchist element for more than 20 years — from the animal rights terrorists who have harassed, threatened and firebombed scientific researches across the U.S. and Europe to the anti-capitalist thugs who wreaked havoc on downtown business owners at the 1999 World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle and the 2010 G-20 summit in Torontoto the ANSWER Coalition and Code Pink’s not-so-peaceful peacenikswho disrupted congressional hearings and menaced veterans memorials and military recruiting stations throughout the George W. Bush years to the Occupy Wall Street vagrants and rapists of 2011-12 to the rent-a-rioters who hijacked Ferguson, Baltimore and other Black Lives Matter demonstrations against police.