

Globe Cools to Warming

Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney teamed up earlier this year to create a rebuttal film, Not Evil, Just Wrong to discuss the scientific inaccuracies and the hidden agendas of Al Gore’s smash hit An Inconvenient Truth.

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Make My GSE a McGE

The burden of bailing out mortgage giants Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae will fall to taxpayers, predicted Brooklyn Law School Professor David Reiss, at a cost which the Cato Institute suggested could top $200 billion.

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A Charter for Achievement

While bureaucrats everywhere puzzle over how to make public school test scores look good, one charter school principal has figured out how to make them go up without score keeping gimmicks.

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September 11th, 2001 is now a part of U.S. history, and so the issue of how to teach about it in high school history classes is necessary, albeit controversial.

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Progressive Lamentations

Is the government’s proper role to take care of gender inequality? Speakers believed so at the October 19, 2009 Shriver Report conference held by the Center for American Progress.

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Taxes: A Love Story

What impact do taxes have on the budgetary process?  A conference hosted by the Center for American Progress (CAP) on September 30, 2009 featured panelists who discussed this question and other issues regarding the national debt.

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Hippocratic Out

While he did not equate the current ethics of modern medicine to that of Nazi Germany, at a recent forum, an M.D. did imply that there is an “amoral component” headed in that direction.

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Hobby Lobby

Are lobbyists discouraging some of the best and brightest in the private sector from working for the government?

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