
Finance Reform = Government Takeover


It’s time to take our heads out of the sand about the agenda of President Obama and his insider supporters.  Having passed legislation that will give government bureaucrats the power over who gets medical care and who doesn’t, he has now set his sights on taking control over who gets money and who doesn’t—of every person in the USA through the alleged “Financial Reform Bill.”

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Too Big To Fail?


Rep. Ed Royce (R-Calif.), and James Gattuso, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, discussed the pitfalls in Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd’s financial regulatory reform bill during the Tuesday, April 27, Bloggers Briefing in Washington D.C.

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Goofy In Garden State


Amid record-level turnout, New Jersey residents recently voted down 58% of school district’s proposed budgets (and proposed tax increases), reported USA Today on April 21. “Districts on the losing end must now work with municipal officials to craft a funding solution by May 19. Layoffs and other cuts are likely,” it states.

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Green Mind Control


A review of the Princeton Review’s Guide to 286 Green Colleges shows that environmental “literacy” has become a mandatory education component at over three dozen “green” colleges, with entries for 37 of the 286 campuses indicating that these schools have an “environmental literacy requirement” for the student body.

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Green Unemployment


As universities cheerfully prepare their students for the “green jobs” they are sure will await them when they graduate, curriculum development specialists might be neglecting just one thing: How to find “green jobs” when they are invisible.

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Volcanic Climate Change


As universities around the country go full steam ahead, every pun intended, on warning students about the danger of global warming, the recent volcanic eruptions in Iceland may send already cooling temperatures further south, and not to a warmer place.

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