
Under Two Flags


AJC: Although Chile suffered a much stronger earthquake than Haiti, its death toll was much lower due in part to improved infrastructure, and the country was able to recover on its own, instead of relying almost entirely on foreign assistance like Haiti did.

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Carnage That College Ignores


Storied Soviet dictator Josef Stalin once famously said that one man’s death is a tragedy, a thousand is a statistic. He and his successors compiled so many human statistics that the unfortunately few academics and intellectuals who are trying to ascertain the true number are still working on it.

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Back to the Constitution


AJC: The GOP’s weekly conference call on Thursday included a discussion with Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R-Va.), who is one of more than a dozen state attorneys general who have filed lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the health care bill President Obama signed into law on March 23.

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The Next British Invasion


The president may not like Winston Churchill’s bust glowering at him in the White House but given the manner in which the health care bill that he just signed treats abstinence education, the Obama Administration might approve of the way the British National Health Service (NHS) handles sex ed.

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Fed On a Drunk


George Mason University professor Todd Zywicki offered his own interpretation of the financial crisis at a recent CATO Institute event, “Did a Lack of Consumer Protection Cause the Financial Crisis?”

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