
Turnstile Terrorism


AJC: The setbacks, challenges and successes of U.S.-led terrorist de-radicalization programs in Yemen and Afghanistan were the focus of a panel discussion held at the Heritage Foundation’s Washington, D.C. headquarters last month.

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Gone But Not Forgotten


AJC: The Family Research Council commemorated the fifth anniversary of the death of Terri Schiavo by hosting a panel discussion, “Terri Schiavo and a Culture of Life: Looking Forward on the Anniversary of Terri’s Death,” in Washington, D.C. on Monday, March 29.

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Affirmative Activism


Affirmative action remains a controversial issue in American society; opponents argue that racial preferences undermine the equal treatment of citizens, while supporters argue that endemic racism requires policies which compensate for long-standing racial inequalities.

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Meghan Goes to College


We have devoted ample space to the paucity of Republicans welcomed in academia. What is almost as instructive is a look at the representatives of the Grand Old Party who are embraced in academe. Consider Meghan McCain’s recent appearance at George Washington University.

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