
The Third Power


At a January Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) lecture, one Korean Studies scholar argued that in international relations there is a third power besides “soft” influence and “hard” military power.

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New Deal @ Work


Failure to consult primary sources and documents frequently results in a distorted view of not only American history but of America’s historical figures. “Look at all the history textbooks,” Hillsdale College historian Terrence Moore said on February 5, 2010. “What do they say about FDR?”

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Finding the Missing Christians


The Seventh Grade history book standard in most California schools is “History Alive – The The Seventh Grade history book standard in most California schools, History Alive – The Medieval World and Beyond, contains 55 pages on Islam and only 16 pages on Christianity (of which much of the content was negative).

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Red Cross Rules of Engagement


AJC: In international humanitarian law and the law of armed conflict, there has been a large change—law is no longer based on practice, or what fighting countries actually do in wars, but it’s now based on what someone said in a speech, a professor said at an event put on by the Endowment for Middle East Truth.

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Mann Overboard


Accuracy in Academia has identified several concerns regarding the inquiry committee’s report and Penn State’s ongoing conflicts of interest in conducting Professor Mann’s investigation.

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Shahada and Gendered Spaces


For the Palestinian people, martyring themselves in an attempt to attack their Israeli “occupiers” has become a sign of honor, not only for men but also women. At a recent convention one Professor of Language and Cultural Studies explored the “gendered space[s]” of Palestinian women’s resistance against Israel in the context of the First Intifada.

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