
Another Third Way


AJC: There is a deep resistance in the Western world to take theology seriously, which is a mindset that must change, a theologian said at a Heritage Foundation lecture about the book, The Third Choice: Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom.

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Ice Age on Campus


With official admissions of tampering evidence of temperature declines accumulating weekly, global warming alarmists on campus, still a majority, at least among officials, must be getting their science from the animated film Ice Age.

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Epic Fail?


AJC: Last year was the dawn of a new, historic time in American history. The election of President Barack Obama due in part to the overwhelming energy and support of the American youth vote made the Promised Land seem imminent.

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India China Paradox


AJC: The main question should not be if India will economically catch up with China but if India should try to catch up with China, said a scholar at a Heritage Foundation event discussing India and China’s future and current position in the international political economy.

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(Mis)Reading the Gospels


Is The Annunciation, a passage in the Bible where the angel Gabriel tells the Virgin Mary that she will bear the Christ, a “pro-choice feast”? That’s what Catholic feminist author Mary Gordon argued in a recent Modern Language Association (MLA) presentation entitled “Rereading Jesus.”

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Insider Shows Media Bias


The Director of Harvard University’s Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, says, “Reporters as a group tend to be pro-choice, and pro-life advocates have long complained that these biases have skewed the way the story is reported.”

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