
Age Studies, Part One


Since its inception Accuracy in Academia has catalogued the inner politics of a series of Humanities disciplines, including women’s studies, queer studies, fat studies, labor studies, and others.  This article will introduce a lesser-known Humanities field: age studies.

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NAMBLA-gate, Part Three


A Marxist atheist trained in materialism, Harry Hay tried to find spirituality in his own confused sexual identity, eventually developing the idea that he was a “Radical Faerie” who had male and female traits. A communist, he was also a supporter of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

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The New Chicago School


The college where Nobel Prize-winning free market economist Milton Friedman hung his hat for many a decade—the University of Chicago—has had a well-deserved reputation for going against the academic grain that at least dates back to the tenure of its former president Robert Maynard Hutchins (1899-1977) during the Great Depression. By a happy coincidence, the conservative icon and the hero of liberals overlapped.

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NAMBLA-gate, Part Two


Sean Hannity of Fox News, who has called for the resignation of Obama Education Department official Kevin Jennings, interviewed a former FBI agent, Bob Hamer, who infiltrated the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and documented their criminal activities.

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Radical Academic Credos


For supporters of David Horowitz’s student Academic Bill of Rights, academic freedom is about protecting vulnerable students from indoctrination at the hands of radical professors. However, one DePaul University professor recently argued that Horowitz’s conception of academic freedom promotes a “distinctly right-wing agenda” and “contains within it a backhanded insult to the intelligence of the students he is purporting to protect.”

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NAMBLA-gate, Part One


Harry Hay, who “inspired” Obama-appointed Education Department official Kevin Jennings to lead a life of homosexual activism, was not only a supporter of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) but a prominent member of the Communist Party USA and “Radical Faerie” who believed in the power of the occult.

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