
Chamber of Commerce Pushback


AJC: On November 24th, members of the Chamber of Commerce, the largest business federation, spoke at the Heritage Foundation’s conservative Blogger’s Briefing in defense of the interests of their more than three million organizations and businesses.

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Redefining Public Education


In the November Education Outlook issued by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), senior fellow Frederick Hess issues an ambitious set of K-12 educational reforms which, he argues, would modernize teacher hiring practices and public education.

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Coase’s FCC Legacy


At first blush the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)—which regulates “interstate and international communications” using “radio, television, wire” and “satellite”—doesn’t seem like much of a free-market mecca.

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Emergency Powers Test Run


Could emergency powers given to state and federal leaders to deal with the H1N1 virus lead to violations of American civil liberties? Conditions at the state level may be a test of how wisely government officials will use their emergency powers.

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ReGaining Reagan


AJC: Today, there are “far too many people saying ‘let’s move beyond Reagan,’” lamented Steve Hayward, author of The Age of Reagan and keynote speaker at Accuracy in Academia’s November 5th Author’s Night.

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Secure Reporting


AJC: What do media have to do with Homeland Security? A November 13th forum at the Heritage Foundation addressed this issue, with panelists explaining how the media shapes American and global perceptions of domestic security issues.

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Fat Studies On Display


Political correctness has run amok in the ivory tower. If some academics have their way, college students soon will be forced to vet themselves not only for subconscious racist, sexist and classist thoughts, but fatist ones as well.

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