
Organs for Sale?


For those in need of a kidney transplant, it can be a difficult journey to find a willing donor. Circumstances have become so desperate for those waiting for a posthumous kidney that they sometimes resort to advertising their need on billboards and websites.

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More Teachable Moments


The latest poll from the Chronicle of Higher Education shows that conservatives make up only 15 percent of faculty and staff at surveyed colleges and universities while most polls show that more Americans than ever before are identifying themselves as right-leaning.

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TiZA is for Trouble


This August, Minnesota Department of Education [MDOE] officials said they will be investigating the Tarek ibn Ziyad Academy’s use of state “lease aid” grants. The charter school has been paying rent to Muslim religious organizations.

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Spies Among Us


The world of espionage has been full of danger and intrigue, but today it draws criticism from those who question both the capabilities and usefulness of intelligence gathering. It seems the American Left it still in denial as to the extent of the danger posed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

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