
Free or FAIR Immigration?


A new study published by the Cato Institute asserts that current U.S. immigration laws and policies run counter to the economic wellness of U.S. households and advocates legalization of illegal immigrants through visa-taxing in order to maximize immigration’s benefit.

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Doing Crime Without Time


The rule of law is imperative in order for any nation and society to function, prosper, and survive. In regards to the law and order most appropriate and just for juvenile offenders under the age of 18, decisions about sentencing are delegated to the juvenile court systems for judgment and rehabilitation.

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Requiem for China


Those familiar with the atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Party are often distressed by the soft treatment given communist leader Mao Tse-Tung, a leader personally responsible for the death of tens of millions.

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Community Organizes for Vouchers


On August 20th, dozens of elementary students and parents gathered in front of the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) in a daytime vigil organized by D.C. Parents for School Choice as part of their SaveThe216 campaign to save the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program (OSP).

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