
Sonia Behind the Bench


Since President Obama announced his nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, the media has hailed the Puerto Rican federal court of appeals judge as a role-model for women and Hispanics. News coverage by the major networks has mainly focused on Sotomayor’s “inspiring” rags-to-riches upbringing and her “politically moderate” judicial record.

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Energized Alliances


This Wednesday, the Brookings Institution convened three panels of experts to discuss the new relationship between Russia and Turkey, whose history of hostilities has apparently abruptly ground to a halt.

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Obamacare for Dummies


In a discussion that was intended to facilitate education about the “pros and cons of expanding the public (health care) plan,” the July 9th Brookings Institute’s Health Care Reform event featured three champions of “Obamacare” lauding and praising massive overhaul of the the U.S. health care system.

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In Sickness and In Wealth


Last Tuesday, at the weekly bloggers’ briefing hosted by the Heritage Foundation, Reps. John Shadegg (R-AZ) and Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) unveiled their vision of substantive health care reform as a competing model to use against the currently stalled Democratic version.

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