

Borderline Advocacy

Some academics and media outlets consider Operation Streamline’s increased prosecutions of illegal immigrants a troubling development.

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Green Swindle

The IPCC continually refused to remove Reiter’s name from their list of 2,500 hundred scientists whom they claimed supported the findings in the report.

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Tolling the Red Bell

For many a decade, schoolchildren of all ages have been taught to revere the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. The question is, how closely does that perception match up with reality?

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Progressively Taxing

Health insurance for the unemployed, more money for non-profits, and “Pay-As-You-Drive Car Insurance” are three “new ideas” panelists have proposed for the new progressive agenda.

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Military Occupation

David Edelstein argues for one major variable of success for military occupancy, and his research shows that the War in Iraq has done a poor job of recognizing this all-important factor.

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Warm and Fuzzy Global Regulation

Václav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic, told a Competitive Enterprise Institute audience last week that he believes climate change forms the ideal political issue because its dogma cannot be disproven.

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Global Warming On the Rocks

As the congressional curtains open on the Lieberman-Warner “Climate Security Act,” the subjects of higher taxes, job expansion and economic growth are taking center stage in many people’s minds.

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