
Poverty of Ideas


President Obama recently outlined four areas he would like the new White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships to focus on: poverty, fatherhood, abortion reduction, and interfaith dialogue.

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Chavez Greases Palms


According to Gustavo Coronel of Petroleumworld, who spoke at a recent American Enterprise Institute event, Hugo Chavez has had four objectives to define his career as president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

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World Melts With U.S.


The Annual Threat Assessment of the Intelligence Community gave the new Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair his first opportunity to address a senate committee on the “far-reaching impact of the global economic crisis.”

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Drug Crisis in Mexico


Recently there has been a surge in violence and brutal acts committed by drug cartels, causing a national emergency in Mexico. The power of the cartels has allowed them to corrupt governmental institutions and law enforcement agencies at the state and local levels.

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