
Another Meaning for “Difference”


At a recent Modern Language Association (MLA) panel on “Disability and Human Rights,” assistant Professor Rebecca Wanzo argued for a new gynecological justice and equated unequal access to “family planning” resources with the controversial practice of female genital mutilation.

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True Grit?


Tony Blankley’s new book, American Grit, calls for a change. It is not the same change that is proposed by our new president, but it is change that he argues is necessary for the survival of our nation.

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Unhealthy Obsessions


In the light of John Podesta’s position as one of Barack Obama’s top three transition team leaders and the central role the Center for American Progress (CAP) is likely to have in molding the next administration’s policies, some might ask what this think-tank’s influential position will mean for the War on Terror.

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Faith of Our Feminists


One of the oddities of modern-day Catholic higher education, particularly in institutions run by Jesuit priests, is that Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues seems to be more ubiquitous on such campuses than Nativity scenes or Crucifixes.

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