

Another Iraq War Teach-in

College students accustomed to hearing news on the Iraq War from professors and protesters who have never actually been there might find the documents retrieved by the U.S. forces there to be of interest.

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Federalism 101

Critics of higher education who say American colleges do not prepare students for life after graduation may be way off base: Among federal judges, the problem may be that they do try to apply their education to the post-graduate day jobs that they hold.

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NEA Trojan Horses

A report released yesterday by the Education Sector revealed that over $8 million had been given by the National Education Association to opponents of the No Child Left Behind Act. The organization has stated before that it would help “directly or indirectly, jointly or independently” other organizations that share their same agenda.

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The Academic Connection

Ever wonder how all those animals, plants and bugs get on the Endangered Species List? It’s more than an academic question though that is where the answer has its roots.

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