

Feminism for Men?

Feminist literature may be more attractive to men these days, for all the wrong reasons. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention held in Washington, D.C.

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At War At Home

Christian M. DeJohn, a Temple University grad student, has sufferable numerous setbacks to graduating; setbacks he believes stem from his confrontation of professors.

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MLAnimal House

Solving literacy problems one road trip at a time. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention.

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Stalinism at the MLA

It seems that many English professors just can’t figure out why good men like Joseph Stalin are disliked nowadays. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention held in Washington, D.C.

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MLA Apologetics

Don’t expect red ink marking those comma splices and run-on sentences in your next English class. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention held in Washington, D.C.

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Disabled by Definition

Looking for a job in a university English department? Come to the MLA convention and pitch an invented field of study and you’re in. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention.

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MLA Misinformation

English professors like to talk about current events and war for oil theories about Iraq, but rarely do they get their facts straight first. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention held in Washington, D.C.

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Dead Whites Make Comeback

Despite founding standard English, John Dryden, Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift are discussed sparingly in the Academy’s walls. From the Modern Language Association 2005 convention held in Washington, D.C.

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