
Unexpected Lessons of Vietnam


Heated comparisons between the Iraq and Vietnam wars have often been used by public officials ranging from Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) to Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Nebr.) to prove that America must simply ‘pull out’ from its doomed attempts at nation-building in the Middle East. However, a variation of the Vietnam model may actually enhance our military’s ability to counteract the Iraqi insurgency by providing useful data-collection models, the lessons of which can be applied to the Iraq war.

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An Inconvenient Truth Squad


Though the mainstream media has kept the facts well-hidden, and Hollywood would proclaim otherwise, global warming skeptics not only exist, but they are plentiful in number. Furthermore, a fair number of the skeptics are scientists and experts in meteorology, and some are even converted Kyoto supporters.

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Global Deceit


This July, Washington Post writer Marc Kaufman championed a two-year Global Warming study by the Union of Concerned Scientists in his article, “Study: Inaction on Warming Will Be Disruptive, Costly.” The study, which the author obviously supports, makes sweeping pronouncements about the global Armageddon to come.

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