With shocking images and sound bites depicting anti-Israeli speakers and the effects that they have on the students they address, a new documentary tackles the question, “Is anti-Israeli hate speech on college campuses really a problem?”
Read the articleAs always, when we ran a story on one college that looks like it is Catholic in Name Only (CINO), our readers gave us tips on others—usually their alma maters.
Read the articleThere is another school of thought that believes that neither the toleration by academia nor the lack of University statements is the problem. The real problem is the double standard to which these schools adhere.
Read the articleNearly half of the blacks attending colleges and universities considered top of the line are either immigrants, the children of immigrants or biracial.
Read the articleAt least one economist at Rhode Island College, like too many of her academic counterparts, does not let trends in the economy cloud her economic views.
Read the articleProfessors and students have won a few pivotal victories for academic freedom but, while the good news is welcome, the bad news is…well, a good way to describe most of what is happening in education today.
Read the articleAfter successfully routing the “Dead White Guys” some of us still refer to as America’s founding fathers from classrooms in the United States, the multiculturalists have a new target—ancient philosophers.
Read the articleGoing back to school at the end of summer vacation, always a bittersweet experience for college students, now, with politically correct reeducation, can be just bitter.
Read the articleAppalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina got more than just Ivory Tower experience when it found a credentialed expert to teach Introduction to Criminal Justice.
Read the articleNowhere do academics more obviously show their outright hostility towards academic freedom than they do in the battle over whether or not intelligent design can be taught alongside evolution in schools.
Read the articleBucknell University Conservatives
Club will build a 9/11 Memorial on Bucknell University s campus on
Friday, September 9 starting at 11am.
A college professor actually gets it right.
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