

Georgia Tech Checked

Although at least one of her political science professors told her that individuals do not make a difference, Ruth Malhotra, a soft-spoken, petite, rising senior at Georgia Tech, proved that lecturer wrong.

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Catholic Universities & UNICEF

Six Catholic universities have United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) chapters on their campuses despite the Vatican’s nine-year-old refusal to support the multilateral government agency.

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Environmentally Incorrect?

In contrast to the approach taken by most colleges and universities, Accuracy in Academia invited an actual scientist to discuss modern environmental concerns with students attending AIA’s summer conference.

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Carterian Civics

Every year, freshmen at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia get to hear former President Jimmy Carter lecture on world affairs.

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Catholic Schools for UNICEF?

Six Catholic colleges and universities have chapters on campus that, effectively, lobby for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), but the well-known multilateral agency may not itself accommodate the principles of the church.

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Conservative University Scenes

In continuing the tradition of Accuracy in Academia’s summer symposia, we sought to give college students information and perspectives on events current and historical that they are not likely to get from mandatory campus anti-war rallies and college lecture halls.

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McCarthyism Redefined

One of the highlights of the Conservative University conference that Accuracy in Academia recently held was the image of veteran journalist M. Stanton Evans delivering his talk on the late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, R-Wisc., to an audience which included a lawyer from the ACLU.

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Diversity Czarinas

The feminist movement on campus has honed to perfection its ability to respond to anything resembling criticism, or even inquiry, with military precision that virtually guarantees victory over all in-house critics.

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