Commas, periods and question marks are the latest targets of the PC police, the New York City junior high school National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) has chosen sides in the cultural debate over homosexuality in the schools, Kentucky’s educational leaders are more concerned with overweight students than academic performance
Read the articleGod and country are not having an easy time of it on American college campuses these days. So what else is new? Well…
Read the articleHe is innocent until proven guilty but his involvement in controversial radical Islamic organizations is a matter of public record.
Read the articleA college or university’s geographic location in America’s heartland may not lead to a moderate balance among its faculty or in its course offerings.
Read the articleThere is some religious bias at The United States Air Force Academy witnesses told a congressional committee. But would their policies endanger freedom to worship?
Read the articleOne would think that you could avoid encountering the looniest of academic leftists by attending campuses south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Maybe not.
Read the articleThe roster of speakers who will address Accuracy in Academia’s Conservative University conference this summer is filling up but so is space in the audience.
Read the articleA national organization dedicated to academic freedom called on the U.S. Department of Education, Governors and institutions of higher education to disavow ideological litmus tests imposed on prospective teachers.
Read the articleIs The Nation’s publisher and co-owner running the Columbia Journalism Review?
Read the articleIn his Politically Incorrect Guide to American History Thomas E. Woods writes about the victims of communism, a subject few academics care to visit.
Read the articleKarin Agness, a student at the University of Virginia, created the Network of Enlightened Women (NEW) to counter the radical feminist dogma offered by university organizations.
Read the articleQuestions about Sami al-Arian as his trial begins…
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