
Red China & JHU


Johns Hopkins University not only has a history with China but at least one notable communist sympathizer in its hall of famed scholars—Owen Lattimore, who whitewashed many of Mao Tse Tung’s earliest massacres in his official reports.

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Been There Done That


Young conservatives watching the poll ratings of the only president they have ever voted for implode got some words of comfort, sort of, from a veteran conservative journalist last month at the Heritage Foundation.

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Progressives Gone Wild


Although “compassionate conservative” George W. Bush presides over an economy that boasts a lower unemployment rate than that of his predecessor, who was a self-described “progressive,” progressives argue that their philosophy has been proven to be sound.

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Labor Studies For Real


In stark contrast to political science and economics lecturers in classrooms around the country, U.S. Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao spoke at the Heritage Foundation on June 26th, delivering a message of uncommon good cheer concerning the status and direction of “America’s Dynamic Workforce.”

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Racial Division Workshop


American immigrants of various races who want to fight for immigrant rights must collectively identify themselves under a “person of color” status, according to the publisher of ColorLines magazine, a publication covering race and politics in America.

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