

Environmentally Correct

Although he still considers himself an environmentalist, law professor David Schoenbrod’s embrace of free market approaches to protecting the environment are viewed with suspicion in the halls of higher education.

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Academic Bias Documented Again

It’s not just at institutions like the Santa Clara University, UNC-Chapel Hill, and others that have a large number of professors who subscribe to liberal ideology. Research performed by Dan Klein and others indicates there is a large bias against conservative and libertarian professors in academia today.

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Generation Why

The nation’s political landscape may change drastically in the coming years if today’s college students have their way.

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Know Much About History?

If you doubt that America is in danger of losing her heritage, listen to the take on the teaching of American history by this country’s leading historian.

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Copycat Professors

The problem of plagiarism in college was one in which students were, more often than not, the perpetrators, not their professors. Now, the pedagogues themselves are increasingly suspect.

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The Agony of the AAUP

A look at the recent record of the American Association of University Professors reveals the real agenda of the academic freedom watchdog, according to Mal Kline, executive director of Accuracy in Academia.

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Reagan for the Book

Ronald Reagan’s two landslide victories in presidential elections obscure the road he traveled to become the Republican nominee. His failed bid for the 1976 Republican nomination would propel him four years later to the nomination and ultimately the presidency.

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