Economists and the textbooks they rely on usually cannot explain the economic collapse that accompanies socialism because they gloss over the role that property rights play in assuring prosperity.
Read the articleAlthough Phi Beta Kappa (PBK) recently rejected George Mason University’s (GMU) application to establish a chapter of the organization on the Fairfax, VA campus, the society’s own record on free speech is suspect at best.
Read the articleA sociology professor at Black Hawk College in Moline, Illinois gets rave reviews from students but underclassmen with deep religious convictions may want to fulfill that course requirement with someone else.
Read the articleA recently released clarification by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights makes it easier for college and universities to comply with Title IX regulations regarding athletics.
Read the articleThe serious scholars whom you can still find on college campuses have long regarded education schools as the slums of academia but now the denizens of those projects are even admitting to the dilapidated condition of their discipline.
Read the articleThree Congressmen have teamed with four Pittsburgh punk rockers to fight an obscure provision of the No Child Left Behind Act.
Read the articleNow creative and rebellious conservatives are the ones accosting the “Establishment” and they’ve spearheaded the launch of some 95 new “alternative” newspapers and magazines on college and university campuses in the U.S.
Read the articleColleges and universities are supposed to teach students, opening their minds and getting them to think critically about the world around them. Often they do, but not always.
Read the articleTexas A & M is something of a novelty in academia. The university’s president, Robert M. Gates, is one of the rare retired cabinet officials from a Republican presidential administration to hold a decisive academic position.
Read the articlePolicymakers have long thought the solution to the achievement gap to be in early childhood education.
Read the articleA recent lecture at Bowdoin College has roiled the Maine campus. On February 22 the Bowdoin College Republicans hosted Vernon Robinson, a North Carolina conservative activist and former candidate for the House of Representatives.
Read the articleThe pro-union Graduate Employees and Students Organization’s report, titled “The (Un)Changing Face of the Ivy League,” purports to expose discrimination in the hiring mechanisms of Ivy League schools.
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