

Education School Ghetto

The serious scholars whom you can still find on college campuses have long regarded education schools as the slums of academia but now the denizens of those projects are even admitting to the dilapidated condition of their discipline.

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The Campus Conservative “Alternative” Media

Now creative and rebellious conservatives are the ones accosting the “Establishment” and they’ve spearheaded the launch of some 95 new “alternative” newspapers and magazines on college and university campuses in the U.S.

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Teaching – Or Thought Control?

Colleges and universities are supposed to teach students, opening their minds and getting them to think critically about the world around them. Often they do, but not always.

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Diversity Deconstructed

Texas A & M is something of a novelty in academia. The university’s president, Robert M. Gates, is one of the rare retired cabinet officials from a Republican presidential administration to hold a decisive academic position.

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Whose History?

A recent lecture at Bowdoin College has roiled the Maine campus. On February 22 the Bowdoin College Republicans hosted Vernon Robinson, a North Carolina conservative activist and former candidate for the House of Representatives.

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Collective Bargaining Conspiracy

The pro-union Graduate Employees and Students Organization’s report, titled “The (Un)Changing Face of the Ivy League,” purports to expose discrimination in the hiring mechanisms of Ivy League schools.

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Show Us the Money

In North Carolina university, community college, and state budget office officials have spent part of the week lobbying state legislators for more funding for higher education, while arguing against proposed line-item budget cuts.

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Desperate Classrooms

The higher education establishment now shares the mores of popular culture—as seen in Desperate Housewives and Sex in the City and reality shows like Who Wants to Marry My Dad? —and has turned them from bawdy entertainment to theory, according to a new report from the Independent Women’s Forum.

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