

Show Us the Money

In North Carolina university, community college, and state budget office officials have spent part of the week lobbying state legislators for more funding for higher education, while arguing against proposed line-item budget cuts.

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Desperate Classrooms

The higher education establishment now shares the mores of popular culture—as seen in Desperate Housewives and Sex in the City and reality shows like Who Wants to Marry My Dad? —and has turned them from bawdy entertainment to theory, according to a new report from the Independent Women’s Forum.

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Bias: Professoriat in Denial

Professors who support Democratic causes dominate college and university classrooms. Recent studies have shown that Democrats outnumber Republicans on college faculties by, at least, an 8-to-1 margin.

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Rescuing Reading

While the number of literary readers has remained constant since 1982—96 million—fewer Americans, as a percentage, are reading. Currently, not quite 47% of Americans admit to engaging in literary reading in the past year.

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College Students Find Religion

A growing number of students are responding to the increasingly secular, even pagan, nature of most colleges and universities by a taking a walk, to a more religious institution of higher learning.

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The Big Chill

Two veteran professors from both coasts gave Campus Report radio listeners an idea of the chill on free speech of politically correct norms in academia particularly on issues relating in any way to race.

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