
Campus Footnotes


At a time when the newly seated U. S. Congress is moving to increase federal aid to higher education, one way or another, yet another college has broken the one-billion-dollar mark in its endowment cache—George Washington University.

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Citizen Collegiates?


Higher Education in the United States is causing a “Coming Crisis in Citizenship” and the situation has prompted renewed efforts by groups like the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI), the Young America’s Foundation and the Leadership Institute to name but three.

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The Cultural Left and 9/11


Author and commentator Dinesh D’Souza provocatively posits that the cultural left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the nonprofit sector, and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world.

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Rock the Aid


At least one of the proposals to increase federal aid to higher education contains a provision that would virtually guarantee an explosion in the growth of government in the very near future.

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Activist Academics at MLA


If the largest conclave of college English professors in the country sometimes sounded like a Democratic Party strategy session at the Modern Language Association meeting late last year, it might be because the two groups’ membership rolls have an overlap.

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