The material covered in Western Civ is not important only for one’s academic foundation, but also for the understanding of culture and one’s place in that culture.
Read the articleThe Politically Incorrect Guide to American History traces America’s history from the pilgrims to the Clinton years, drawing on some rarely seen historical quotations.
Read the articleAfter three decades of affirmative action in education, American blacks find themselves less likely to go to college than they did before the U. S. Congress made a mid-20th Century correction in civil rights laws, a new study finds.
Read the articleAlthough most Americans credit President Ronald Reagan with winning this country’s Cold War with the former Soviet Union, many universities offer a different spin on the half-century-old conflict, such as the one frequently taught at Colgate University.
Read the articleStudents, and faculty, who want to serve their country can expect to traverse a metaphoric obstacle course laid out by college administrators before running on a real one for their drill instructors.
Read the articleWhen a Simpson College management professor publicly criticized one of her students in a letter to the editor of the school newspaper, she added a page he may not want in his permanent record.
Read the articleThe campus security guards once derided by students as “rent-a-cops” are now giving the term “thought police” a very literal meaning, if the experience of two Stanford University Ph. D. candidates serves as any guide.
Read the articleWhen Aaron Jones attempted to respond to a misleading flyer distributed by the College Democrats at Morehead State University, he found himself hit with a response from a faculty member that looked just as deceptive as the original student group’s handout.
Read the articleDespite the protests of Colorado elites, the record of the Rocky Mountain state on academic freedom hardly falls in the “Let a hundred flowers bloom” category.
Read the articleThose who think that critics of higher education seek to use classrooms for conservative training camps rather than ideological laboratories of the left should hear what economist Roger Meiners has to say.
Read the articleThe announcement that George W. Bush won the 2004 presidential election was followed by more than simple distress among University of California Los Angeles students
Read the articleA professor of government and
politics has come under fire from
students for an e-mail she sent to her
pupils promoting a new wave of ads
from the extreme anti-Bush group,
MoveOn Political Action Committee.