

Balance At Duke, Sort Of

Although the reports that we get from across the country show that professors are doing their level best to turn their student bodies into voting blocs, in at least one bastion of political liberalism, students are resisting the indoctrination.

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Alabamy Bound

Students and parents who think that they will find a conservative school south of the Mason Dixon line might want to rethink that assumption.

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North Carolina’s Callow Core

‘Twas a time when young men and women graduated from the readin’, writin’ and ‘rithmetic of high school to the Great Works that awaited them in college, but what awaits today’s high school graduates?

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Another Poet For Peace

When English professor Clifton Snider assigns his class an argument paper, he already knows the side of the question that he wants to hear.

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College Democrats On Steroids

Metaphorically speaking, that is. Nationwide, partisan types on campus are going into overdrive on behalf of the presidential campaign, sometimes causing fistfights—and that’s just the faculty.

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Fundamentals of Brainwashing

When psychologist Denis Nissim-Sabat takes his political positions into the classroom, he threatens to turn the science of the mind into the control of the thought.

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Fahrenheit 9-11 Torpedoed

The withdrawal of George Mason University’s (GMU) speaking invitation to controversial filmmaker Michael Moore stands out in a school year in which the presidential election gives college professors and administrators the chance to vividly display their partisan biases.

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Barely Civil Rights At UNC And Beyond

When a college professor upbraided a student in an e-mail to the class over that student’s refusal to accept homosexuality in a discussion centered around that topic, the instructor set off a chain reaction that led to a federal investigation.

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Colleges Choking On Cash

School officials have no trouble finding projects to spend budget dollars on: Duke University, for example, gives each freshman a cutting-edge high tech i-pod for no particular reason.

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