Michael Moore is coming to Utah, whether it wants him or not.
Read the articleA veteran educator takes a look at his profession and finds it wanting in intellectual diversity and rigorous training.
Read the articleLeave it up to the academic left to try and extinguish views that would
challenge their own.
A veteran newsman now teaching a university course in news media bias does not see a liberal tilt in reporting by networks and print outlets.
Read the articleWhen federal agents denied a controversial Mid East scholar a work visa, the school that wanted to hire him also went into denial.
Read the articleWhen the president of Benedict College (BC) decided to base most of the grades of the school’s freshmen on effort rather than test scores, research in papers and grammar, school officials say he was making official a policy widely in place in Academia.
Read the articleWhile undergraduates across the country express interest in signing up for the Reserve Officer Training Corps, these students are
more likely than not unable to find a branch at their own alma mater.
With race relations on American campuses already poisoned by ill-conceived attempts at “diversity” such as the University of California at Berkeley (UCB)’s “Tunnel of Oppression,” an author making the rounds of American colleges and universities threatens to increase the dosage.
Read the articleThree decades of affirmative action laws and court rulings designed to give more minority students the chance to earn a college degree got mixed reviews from a panel of experts.
Read the articleVeterans of Democratic presidential administrations outnumber officials who served in Republican cabinets by lopsided margins.
Read the articleOnce again, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill stands accused of discrimination against a Christian student group.
Read the articleThe U. S. government is finding it easier to find visitors to the United States traveling fraudulently on student visas.
Read the article