
Applied History


All too rarely, you learn something new from a professor that shows you just how much of America’s past most pedagogues fail to digest or pass on, that is, when they can even bring themselves to acknowledge American history in the first place.

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The head of a U. S. government task force on higher education suggests that if the Ivory Tower cannot get its act together, it may face a version of what the health care industry is confronting—HMOs.

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College Rankings Deconstructed


Every year millions of American parents and students pore over U. S. News and World Report’s college rankings to select the institution of higher learning of their choice but inside the Ivory Tower, the denizens may have a different reaction to the famous survey.

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Remedial U


Although their presence ensures steady employment of the professoriat and an excuse for public officials to ratchet up spending on higher education, one might question whether a significant portion of college students should even bother signing up for post-secondary classes at all.

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