

Bankrupt Myth of the Robber Barons

History shows that independent entrepreneurs routinely outperform their government-subsidized counterparts, says Dr. Burt Folsom, but historical examples of this principle are frequently excluded from today’s textbooks.

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BLT: Bucknell’s Leftward Tilt

Conservative students shouldn’t be afraid of being seen as novelties, says Charles Mitchell, president of the Bucknell University Conservatives Club. “If you’re an out-of-the-closet conservative on campus, you’re most likely a novelty anyway.”

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A Different Look At Women’s Studies

When the panelists on Accuracy in Academia’s summer conference panel on “women’s studies” took a shot at answering the question, “What do women want?,” they gave answers that few college professors would give an “A” to.

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Judges With Grudges

“When a judge goes beyond simply applying a law or constitution according to its original meaning,” says constitutional attorney Gene Schaerr, “and instead pours his own new meaning into it, he or she is engaged in an immoral act.”

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Advice For At-Risk Youth

Students can effect change on campuses across the country by combating the liberal biases that so often appear at colleges and universities, say two young conservative leaders.

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America The Regional

The problem with President Bush’s policy on immigration is that it benefits immigrants who see America not as a melting pot but as a crock of gold, according to a Republican U. S. congressman.

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Freedom Fighters on Campus

A select few are so fed up with the liberal excesses and political correctness of academia that they are coming out of the shadows to wage a war of reform.

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Fired For Diversity’s Sake

Ron Johnson of Kansas State University walks through a revolving door into and out of his job as advisor to the school paper, alternately being fired and rehired and fired again by the school, all in the name of diversity.

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Academically Challenged

Disturbed by the repression of politically incorrect speech on campuses within his state, a North Carolina congressman discusses the need for an Academic Bill of Rights.

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At War, With America

Universities nationwide and the State Department, seemingly unrelated institutions, have more in common than one might think.

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