
Catholic Gender Bending


Maybe Hollywood just isn’t making films like The Bells of St. Mary’s anymore but a documentary about transgendered students seems an odd choice for a campus diversion at a Catholic college even if one of the film’s subjects is a regular communicant somewhere else.

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No College Left Behind?


The plan that U. S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spelling’s commission on higher education has concocted to transform the Ivory Tower looks a lot like No Child Left Behind—three parts funding, one part accountability. Nonetheless, as with NCLB and primary grades, the portion of the scheme that has the faculty lounge most apprehensive is the transparency section.

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Education Aid Mythology


The idea that the only thing standing between at-risk youth and a college education is a mere several thousand dollars apiece is a nostrum repeated ad nauseum by politicians and professors alike. As notions go, it may have considerably less weight to it than the average cosmetic counter notion.

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Campus Updates


While many colleges purport to offer Middle East Studies courses, few of the professors holding forth on the subject can offer any real insight into the region. A notable exception is Bernard Lewis.

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