Rep. Walter Jones, a co-sponsor of the Academic Bill of Rights, will address this summer’s Conservative University conference.
Read the articleA former Temple student has finally been given the go-ahead in his lawsuit against two university officials who, he contends, forced him into a psychiatric ward.
Read the articleRep. Tom Tancredo, the author of a resolution promoting the teaching of Western civilization, will speak at this summer’s Conservative University.
Read the articleIntroducing a Great Books curriculum in a state university today is a lot like staging a production of “Fiddler on the Roof” in Saudi Arabia, but Dr. Mark Winchell has succeeded in bringing the classics to Clemson University, albeit one course at a time.
Read the articleAlthough at least one professor thinks that they are not too bright, conservative students at Duke University, who are plentiful, and faculty members, who are not, have found some ingenious ways to get their point across.
Read the articleLeft to their own devices, the powers that be at UNC-Chapel Hill opt for the liberal answer to every question—from whom to choose for a commencement speaker to what to require for course reading.
Read the articleJean Cobbs’ political affiliation has made her a marked woman at Virginia State University, the historically black school where she has served on the faculty since 1971.
Read the articleMonroe Community College has hosted drag strippers, but the New York school draws the line at sending care packages to U.S. troops: “We can’t get involved in anything that controversial.”
Read the articleThe first 50 students who sign up for Conservative University this year will have the chance to sit in the audience at CNN’s “Crossfire.”
Read the article“In 20 years you won’t know the place,” Mary Maples Dunn told Sewanee’s Board of Trustees in 1998. The university appears to be running several years ahead of schedule.
Read the articleA Columbia University professor places the blame for terrorism on U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War.
Read the articleA Georgetown professor offers this analysis of America’s war on terrorism: “I believe that John Ashcroft woke up one day and saw that white people were dwindling in the United States and panicked.”
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