When colleges and universities talk about inclusion, there is always one group that they try to leave out—Vietnam War veterans.
Read the articleOregon State University celebrates Dr. King’s life with a film about gay rights and the Boy Scouts.
Read the articleThough few educators themselves can tell you whether teachers give too much or too little homework, most research shows that students are not overburdened with studying.
Read the articleToday in the United States there is a growing conflict between anti-discrimination law and civil liberties, particularly on college campuses, a legal scholar finds.
Read the articleStudents who take “Social Forces That Shaped America,” a history class currently offered at American University in Washington, D. C., may find themselves inundated with political correctness.
Read the articleEducators have told generations of students that President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal ended the Great Depression but the actual history of the era tells a different story.
Read the articleDespite its power, the National Education Association’s membership may ultimately be its undoing as rank and file teachers find little in common with their representatives.
Read the articleColleges and universities shut down bake sales designed to illustrate the race-based admissions policies at those schools but are frequently at a loss to show what laws are at stake.
Read the articleCollege Administrators are redefining free speech out of existence on campuses across the country, witnesses representing students and alumni told U. S. senators at a hearing late last month.
Read the articleStudents can graduate without History requirements but not without diversity training, a congressional committee learns.
Read the articleWhen Ryan Cooper sought recognition for a campus chapter of Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) from the student government at Southwest Missouri State University (SMSU), the undergrad hoped that SMSU officials would give YAF the same privileges that groups such as Students United for International Peace (SUIP) enjoy.
Read the articleWhile the U. S. government continues to unearth terrorist cells on American soil, senior and junior officials in our nation’s academies busily combat-conservative student groups.
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