When it comes to evidence of global warming, who are you going to believe, your professors or the facts? “While…
Read the articleAs 2014 drew to a close, at least three probable contenders for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 have taken…
Read the articleMy old alma mater—the University of Scranton—recently made the news with a year-old study on New Year’s resolutions. Richard Asa…
Read the articleAccuracy in Academia would like to wish you and yours the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of new years!
Read the articleStudents may be increasingly opting to get their degrees online but universities still dismiss them as a fad. “Udacity does…
Read the articleAs we have reported, contrary to current wisdom, studies consistently show that there are more science, technology, engineering and math…
Read the articleHis poll ratings may be in the basement and his policies might have mostly blown up in his face but…
Read the articleIf you’re still looking for the one-percenters, you might try checking out college campuses rather than corporate boardrooms: As tallied…
Read the articleFor every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thus, no matter how full-throated the endorsements of Common Core…
Read the articleFor years, teachers’ unions, and the politicians they support, have been equating caring for children with public school funding. Apparently,…
Read the articleThe Center for American Progress (CAP) has attempted to tackle a growing bipartisan issue: over-criminalization and over-incarceration. A recent panel…
Read the articleWhen a veteran academic finds something notable in a Republican president’s administration, it’s generally the expansion of a federal government…
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