
Racing To The Trough


When local officials accept federal funds for the higher purpose of more qualitative national standards in education, about all they get is the “national” part, a trend now evident as states are urged by the federal government to adopt national curriculum standards known as “Common Core.”

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Searching for Sharia


The adamant position of  Professor Asifa Quraishi of the University of Wisconsin Law School is that Sharia is a “way of life” which takes shape in everyday activities such as dietary norms, praying five times a day, doing good and tithing, which are in many ways no different than religious customs of Jews and Christians.

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At the event held by the Center for American Progress (CAP) and the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), CAP Vice President Cynthia Brown gave an overview of the joint report of the potential roles of state education agencies (or SEAs).

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