
Backlash Against Banzhaf


When George Washington University law professor John Banzhaff decided to sue Catholic University over its decision to bring back single-sex dorms, his lawsuit provoked a backlash against commentators who rather liked this return to tradition.

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China’s Shifting Taiwan Policy


With the upcoming leadership transition in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) from its fourth generation to its heralded fifth generation of leaders, the cross-China Strait relations have warmed significantly between the PRC and Taiwan, a political science professor at Penn claims.

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A Real No-Brainer


The putative conservative at The New York Times urges conservatives in Congress to accept a budget deal offered by President Obama and the Democrats by citing elite opinion. That should be a red flag that the offer probably is a “no brainer,” although not in the way the cheerleading columnist utilizes the word.

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Intern Event: Free Food & Two Presidents


Accuracy in Academia’s next author’s night will showcase a special report published by AIA’s sister organization—Accuracy in Media. “Headlines and Breadlines: Reaganomics and Obamanomics in the Media and in Reality” looks at how the New York Times and The Washington Post covered two epochal presidencies.

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