

Green Grads in Maryland

In a coordinated move by state and Federal officials and advocacy non-profits, Maryland may soon hold preeminent status as the most environmentally friendly state in the nation.

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Washington Post Education Scandal

Consider the situation: the Post, a long-time mouthpiece for the liberal wing of the Democratic Party—a paper that endorsed Obama for president—is appealing to conservatives and is under fire by liberal Democrats in the Obama Administration and on Capitol Hill because of the activities of its for-profit educational subsidiary.

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Brown Paper Book Bag

What used to come in the mail in a brown paper wrapper now pales in comparison to what might show up on a high school student’s assigned reading list.

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Comprehensive Carnal Knowledge

Advocates of abstinence education have long been suspicious of their opposite number who support “comprehensive” sex education. Earlier this summer, teenagers in Shenandoah, Iowa found out just how comprehensively the subject can be covered.

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Shall Shariah Reign Supreme?

One of the odd dichotomies in the academic career of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is her militant opposition to the U. S. military’s ban on homosexuality and her equally fervent embrace of the Shariah law of the Mideast that proscribes death for homosexuals.

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The Bones Demand Justice

Although independent scholars generally agree that the death toll from communism in the Twentieth Century runs a staggering 100 million, that sad historical milestone has yet to gain widespread acknowledgement in America’s public schools let alone in her universities.

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The File on Howard Zinn

The prominent “progressive” historian Howard Zinn, whose books are force-fed to young people on many college campuses, was not only a member of the Moscow-controlled and Soviet-funded Communist Party USA (CPUSA) but lied about it, according to an FBI file released on Friday.

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Judgement at Heritage

Scholars at a recent Heritage Foundation lecture debated whether judicial activism is a “value-neutral” label for judges’ actions or an aspersion cast on some of their decisions.

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Academic Freedom For Who?

Left-wing radicals throughout history have at least one thing in common: They like to claim that their own freedom of speech is endangered while endangering the first amendment rights of others.

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Rich Nukes, Poor Nukes

Last month, in a Cato Institute lecture, Georgetown professor Matthew Kroenig outlined what he sees as the strategic reasons why nuclear nations help spread these weapons to other countries.

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The Young & The Jobless

In “What I Did When I Couldn’t Find a Job,” Fordham University alumnus Andrew Dana Hudson reflects on the economic decisions which prompted him to move to India post-graduation.

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