
Ballad Of Bernardine


Northwestern University Professor and veteran 60s protestor Bernadine Dohrn supported Obama’s presidency, however, her vocal support may not be something that he wants right now especially after last Tuesday’s “shellacking.”

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New Deal Unmasked


Drawing striking similarities between the current financial situation and that of the 1930s, Amity Shlaes gave a lecture at Hillsdale College in February 2010 detailing forgotten yet important lessons to be learned from the Great Depression.

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Unmasking the Progressives


The public policy group, America’s Survival Inc. (ASI) held a national conference entitled, “Unmasking the Progressives” on Oct. 21 in Washington DC. The event was held at the National Press Club and its main goal was to provide the public with information and evidence about the spread of Marxism in America.

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Dropout U


The President’s favorite think tank, the Center for American Progress (CAP) is so anxious to help the White House reach its goal of 60 percent of the population with college degrees that they are considering high school dropouts as likely targets for recruiters.

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