A generation or two weaned on such public school textbooks as Heather Has Two Mommies may be passing their final exam on such texts. “Most tweens and teens (59%) now feel that ‘gay or lesbian relations are OK, if that is the person’s choice,’” the Harris poll reports.
Read the articleGovernments should abandon their climate-change-related taxes and regulations, turning instead to the courts for answers regarding anthropogenic global warming’s (AGW) affect on property rights, argues University of Buckingham fellow Graham Dawson in the January issue of The Free Market, a newsletter issued by The Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Read the articleThe U.S. can no longer make distinctions between domestic and foreign policy, a lawyer said at a Cato Institute event focusing on the rule of law in Russia.
Read the articleAJC: A key reason why few conservatives go into the teaching profession is that the job of a professor does not fit the image many conservatives have of themselves, two scholars argued.
Read the articleAt a January Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) lecture, one Korean Studies scholar argued that in international relations there is a third power besides “soft” influence and “hard” military power.
Read the articleFailure to consult primary sources and documents frequently results in a distorted view of not only American history but of America’s historical figures. “Look at all the history textbooks,” Hillsdale College historian Terrence Moore said on February 5, 2010. “What do they say about FDR?”
Read the articleThe Seventh Grade history book standard in most California schools is “History Alive – The The Seventh Grade history book standard in most California schools, History Alive – The Medieval World and Beyond, contains 55 pages on Islam and only 16 pages on Christianity (of which much of the content was negative).
Read the articleAJC: In international humanitarian law and the law of armed conflict, there has been a large change—law is no longer based on practice, or what fighting countries actually do in wars, but it’s now based on what someone said in a speech, a professor said at an event put on by the Endowment for Middle East Truth.
Read the articleAJC: The Obama Administration’s declinist vision of the country and “blame America first” policy has a negative impact on America’s standing in the world and is permeating into American national security policy, a U.S. Representative said at a Heritage Foundation event.
Read the articleMarxists believe that he who controls the past controls the future. It’s hard not to see that philosophy at work in the actions of various state boards of education around the country.
Read the articleAccuracy in Academia has identified several concerns regarding the inquiry committee’s report and Penn State’s ongoing conflicts of interest in conducting Professor Mann’s investigation.
Read the articleTwo stories appearing on the GW Hatchet Online show why a college education such as the one offered at George Washington University here in our nation’s capital trains students so well for government work.
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