

MaryJane & the Free Market

The author of a new study on marijuana use could have used an economics lecture from the late Christopher T. Warden, a journalism professor at Troy University.

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Rehnquist’s Portrait

William Rehnquist was by all accounts a fascinating man. His work in the judiciary was unparalleled: he served on the Supreme Court as a justice for over three decades, and led the court as Chief Justice for nineteen years.

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The God Concept

Some cognitivists out there claim that the “God Concept” comes naturally to children.  In their worldview, children come up with the concept of God to explain away things that just don’t make sense to their underdeveloped minds.

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Fatherhood and Religion

“Children benefit when fathers are involved in family life; religion encourages men to be more involved in family life,” Dr. Richard Petts said at a recent Heritage Foundation conference.

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Atomic Alarmism

If the Obama administration were to believe John Mueller’s book, Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism from Hiroshima to Al Qaeda, they could abandon diplomatic engagement with Iran completely and rest easy.

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Schooled On Constitutionalism

America today is facing what Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) called a tipping point: if President Obama’s socialist agenda is implemented, America will be on the path to total statist takeover.

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Keeping Communism Down

November 9th is the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, and even if news stations like CNN and ABC do not, other people worldwide will be celebrating this defeat of communism.

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Feeling the Obama Love

It turns out that two of Big Hollywood’s videos are just the tip of the iceberg for the Obama love shown by the City School District of Albany.

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ACORN: Bizarre and Corrupt

According to John Fund of The Wall Street Journal, there is one question above all that Americans should be asking with regards to ACORN: “How did they get away with so much for so long?”

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