
The China Syndrome


As Americans continue to brace themselves through the worst economic recession in recent history, they are consumed with thoughts of fear of the economic unknown.  As the federal government continues to try to “cure” the market of this ill, lawmakers are pointing fingers to where they believe the problem all began.

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Transfer Tax?


Alleging waste and a “transfer tax” in higher education, Peter P. Smith argues in the most recent Education Outlook that America should establish a “National, ‘Student-Facing’ Course Database and Transfer Information System” for postsecondary transfer students, and “Automate” the “Processing and Evaluation of Transfer Credits” in order to decrease the number of students who get sidetracked from graduating.

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First Cut Reaches the Floor


AJC: House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) announced Tuesday that during its first week, more than 280,000 Americans cast their votes on YouCut, and selected the new non-reformed welfare program as the first proposed spending cut they want members of the House to bring to the floor for debate. If the measure were to pass, Cantor estimates that the cut could save taxpayers up-to $2.5 billion, annually.

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The 7 Percent Solution


The University of Florida (UFL) is posting an online guide for employers who hire foreign guest workers even as American college students face the toughest job market in decades. Specifically, they show that guest workers are exempt from social security taxes.

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