Faculty Lounge

Out-Of-The-Loop Campus Groups

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For students who are bored with the same old special interest campus groups, Naomi Rockler-Gladen reported that they might try something a bit out of the ordinary, like the following:

The Carleton College Mustache Club welcomes members who have real or fake mustaches. “Women are invited to join if they are willing to shave all of their faces except for the upper lip area.”

The University of Minnesota Campus People Watchers is billed as a “non-creepy organization for those who are into the social, psychological and analytical aspects of people watching.”

The nationwide group, Students for an Orwellian Society, claims “to support the type of society portrayed in George Orwell’s novel 1984 where the totalitarian government exercises mind control, particularly through the use of doublespeak and manipulation of the language.”

Students Against Hippies in Trees was “formed in 2006 on Facebook in response to University of California at Berkeley students who were camping out in trees to protest the building of an athletic center, which would have required the removal of trees.”

Deborah Lambert writes the Squeaky Chalk column for Accuracy in Academia.

Deborah Lambert

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