Recent Articles

Requiem for Charlottesville

, Malcolm A. Kline

Now, nearly five months after the fact, we know a lot more about what transpired before the Charlottesville face-off between the alt-right and alt left, thanks to a public records request from The Chronicle of Higher Education that netted the publication thousands of internal emails from UVA.

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Norfolk School Disses Parent’s Rights

, Malcolm A. Kline

A concerned parent in Norfolk who got no response from her daughter’s school decided to send a recorder to school to determine whether the nine-year-old girl was being bullied. Now the mom faces legal pushback for exercising her parental rights.

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Recent Articles

McCaskill U

, Malcolm A. Kline

Yet another U. S. Senate candidate locked in a tight race was able to count on a state university for not only emotional but financial support but this time it was an incumbent who was able to maximize her incumbency.

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Putin’s Information Wars

, Steven Koskulitz

The information wars of Vladimir Putin are mainly a United States problem, Stephen Kotkin, a professor of history and international affairs at Princeton University said on November 1 at the Cato Institute.

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