Recent Articles

Real Historians Know History

, Accuracy in Academia

In November’s Campus Report, we look at the difference between real historians and the counterfeit variety we usually get in academe, the former bring history to life because they make an effort to know their…

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What Hath Wellesley Wrought?

, Richard Cravatts

In March 2017, six self-righteous professors (members of the tellingly named Commission for Ethnicity, Race, and Equity (CERE)) sent an email to the entire Wellesley community in which they railed against “several guest speakers with controversial and objectionable beliefs [who] have presented their ideas at Wellesley.”

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Financial Aid Helps Rich

, Malcolm A. Kline

College presidents and university administrators waste no time lining up at microphones and manning the op-ed pages on the need to help poor students. However, when we’re not looking, they help the rich.

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Recent Articles

University of Texas: Beto’s Biggest Backer

, Malcolm A. Kline

The Democratic challenger, locked in a neck-and-neck race, as of this writing, with conservative icon, U. S. Senator Ted Cruz, R-Texas, is running a well-oiled, financially at least, campaign largely driven by contributions from employees of the University of Texas.

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Saudi Arabian Ties To Top American Universities

, Malcolm A. Kline

With the killing of Jamal Kashoggi, a contributor to The Washington Post, in Saudi Arabia, media outlets started churning out stories on President Trump’s past business deals with the Saudis, but have yet to examine the Arab nation’s very current economic exchanges with American colleges and universities.

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