Recent Articles

Bill of Rights Makes Comeback

, Malcolm A. Kline

Because we are so concerned about the preservation of America’s Bill of Rights, not to mention the rest of the U. S. Constitution, we were thrilled to learn of the efforts, and effectiveness of the Bill of Rights Institute.

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Charter Schools Help NYC

, Malcolm A. Kline

The evidence piles up that in our largest city, charter schools can help the poor, even while the city’s traditional public schools continue to pile up an abysmal record. Stanford University’s Center for Research on…

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Puerto Rico Aftermath: Jones Act Mystery

, Malcolm A. Kline

Left-wing scholars, particularly in academe, make lots of attention getting assertions. Regrettably, they usually offer little in the way of illuminating evidence. “In the midst of almost unimaginable horror in Puerto Rico, a bright light…

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Recent Articles

SCADs Of Supporters For Justice Clarence Thomas

, Malcolm A. Kline

A student who circulated a petition to take the name of U. S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas off of one of the campus buildings at the Savannah College of Art and Design made great progress and got a couple of thousand signatures but a petition to keep the the justice’s name on the building got many more.

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