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YALCon off to liberating start

, Leonard Robinson

YALCon, a conference hosted by Young Americans for Liberty began on Wednesday, July 27 at the Sheraton Hotel in Reston, VA. Hosted annually, speakers are prime influencers and leaders in the liberty movement with some…

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Jefferson vs. Madison: Cato tackles Originalism

, Leonard Robinson

Ilan Wurman, attorney and legal scholar, has written a new book entitled, A Debt Against the Living: An Introduction to Originalism, providing further insight into the legal theory of originalism, a legal philosophy applied by conservative and libertarian jurists and academics.

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Evans’ 5 Simple Rules for a Vibrant Economy

, Malcolm A. Kline

Although he focused most of his energies in his later years on researching and writing about the history of espionage and internal security in the United States, he had quite a background in economics as well, much to the benefit of his readers over the course of his career.

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Recent Articles

Academia Still Reeling From Hoax

, Malcolm A. Kline

Interestingly, when you read the academic reactions they reveal more of what got past reviews by peers and, if you spend any time actually reading real academic articles, what is startling is the uncanny degree to which they do look like the real thing.

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