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Imperialism & Free Pizza

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Former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski, an attorney for the American Civil Rights Union, will discuss their book, The Blueprint: Obama’s Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial Presidency at the next Accuracy in Academia authors’ night.

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Free Pizza & The Imperial Presidency

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Date: June 21 – 6 – 8 PM
Armand’s Capitol Pizzeria
226 Massachusetts Ave, NE
Washington, D.C.

Join former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski, an attorney for the American Civil Rights Union, at the next Accuracy in Academia’s author’s night. They will discuss their book, The Blueprint: Obama’s Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial Presidency. RSVP on Facebook or contact Sarah Schaerr Norton.

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Reviving Free Market Economics

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AJC: The greatest burst of spending that the federal government ever undertook has, conversely, generated a renewed interest in free market economics in some very surprising quarters. Specifically, the pioneering Austrian school of free market economics is experiencing something of a renaissance.

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What Would Buckley Do?

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Two years after his death, William F. Buckley, Jr., the ultimate conservative man of letters, still has a lot to teach the young and the rightward. In turn, there is no better person to pass on these lessons than the man who has become the preeminent historian of the conservative movement—Lee Edwards.

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