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Global Warming: Inconvenient Facts

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In the wake of the Climategate scandal, panelists and audience members at the Fourth International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC4) indicated growing confidence that the tide is turning in favor of those who believe that man-made global warming is not a crisis.

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Eye on MSI

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Discussing President Obama’s goal that America would “once again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world,” an Education Department official recently argued that increased funding for minority-serving institutions—and historically-black colleges and universities, in particular—was the key to increasing the number of American graduates.

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Kosovo Remembered

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AJC Commentary:  Although it made the nightly news so often in the 1990s that many Americans could name it more easily than they could their states’ capitals, to a generation of news junkies in the United States, Kosovo is simply another foreign locale they would be hard-pressed to pinpoint on a map.

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Anatomy of an Activist

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The nomination of solicitor general Elena Kagan to the U. S. Supreme Court gives us a chance to reflect, not so much on her qualifications for the bench but how her career trajectory illustrates the manner in which academia provides an outlet for activism, perhaps at the expense of scholarship.

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More than Choice

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At a recent book forum at the American Enterprise Institute, AEI scholar Frederick Hess argued that education reform should move beyond whole-school conceptions of school choice and focus on the dynamics of “supply.”

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