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NEA-Funded Orgs

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In the April 2010 Labor Watch, RiShawn Biddle takes aim at the National Education Association. According to Biddle, the NEA has in recent years taken to not only flexing their election muscles but influencing the non-profit sector as well.

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Too Big To Fail?

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Rep. Ed Royce (R-Calif.), and James Gattuso, senior research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, discussed the pitfalls in Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd’s financial regulatory reform bill during the Tuesday, April 27, Bloggers Briefing in Washington D.C.

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Green Mind Control

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A review of the Princeton Review’s Guide to 286 Green Colleges shows that environmental “literacy” has become a mandatory education component at over three dozen “green” colleges, with entries for 37 of the 286 campuses indicating that these schools have an “environmental literacy requirement” for the student body.

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Thaddeus Explains It All

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AJC: Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.), Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee and member of the House Financial Services Committee, was among the invited speakers at Tuesday’s Bloggers Briefing held weekly at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C.

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Venezuelan Valedictory

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Academics like to connect their academic freedom to democracy’s survival but decade after decade they become enamored of dictators, from Josef Stalin to Fidel Castro. In some scholarly circles, the latest boy toy is Venezuelan strong man Hugo Chavez.

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