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Conservatives Discuss Health Reform

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For the better part of the last year, health care reform has dominated the national legislative agenda. At the 2010 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), panelists discussed alternatives for reform and ways that their individual organizations had already effected the political debate.

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Voodoo on the Hill

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M. Stanton Evans will discuss Voodoo Anyone? How to Understand Economics Without Really Trying at a February 25 AIA event. Evans inspired and wrote the foreword for Voodoo Anyone?, a free-market economics textbook written by the late Christopher T. Warden and published by Accuracy in Academia.

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Obama, a College Marxist?


Until now, precious little information has come to light about President Obama’s youthful political views. That may change as disclosures by former political science professor Dr. John C. Drew eventually surface in the mainstream press.

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The Third Power

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At a January Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) lecture, one Korean Studies scholar argued that in international relations there is a third power besides “soft” influence and “hard” military power.

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