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What Would Buckley Do?

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Two years after his death, William F. Buckley, Jr., the ultimate conservative man of letters, still has a lot to teach the young and the rightward. In turn, there is no better person to pass on these lessons than the man who has become the preeminent historian of the conservative movement—Lee Edwards.

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Thaddeus Explains It All

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AJC: Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.), Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee and member of the House Financial Services Committee, was among the invited speakers at Tuesday’s Bloggers Briefing held weekly at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C.

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The Judge Speaks Out

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Leah Ward Sears is believed to be on President Obama’s short list for the U.S Supreme Court due to the recently announced retirement plans of Justice Stevens. I was invited by my daughter to a reception for Sears, then Chief Justice of the Georgia Supreme Court.

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